Transliteration: Bismillahi wa ‘ala barakatillah
Translation: In the name of Allah and with the blessings of Allah.
The Dua before eating, “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah), is essential in instilling the habit of mindfulness and gratitude in children. It’s a simple yet profound practice that helps children recognize the importance of thanking Allah for the food provided.
How to make children remember the Dua?
Repetition and consistency are key. Reciting the Dua out loud before every meal encourages children to learn it by heart through imitation. Some parents use flashcards near the dining area to remind children.
Why is it important?
Teaching the Dua fosters a spiritual connection with Allah and integrates religious practices into everyday life. It also emphasizes the Sunnah, which is the practice of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), making children aware of the blessings in their daily activities.
Can my child say the Dua silently?
While it’s beneficial to say the Dua out loud to reinforce the habit, it can also be recited silently. The key is the intention behind it