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Prophet Sulayman (AS) Dua for Wisdom and Gratitude


Prophet Sulayman (AS), known for his unparalleled wisdom and kingdom, made a dua that reflects his deep gratitude and longing for righteous leadership. His supplication serves as a reminder of the importance of using blessings responsibly and seeking Allah’s guidance in all endeavors.

The Dua of Prophet Sulayman (AS)

The profound dua of Prophet Sulayman (AS) is mentioned in Surah Sad (38:35):

“قَالَ رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَهَبْ لِي مُلْكًا لَا يَنبَغِي لِأَحَدٍ مِّن بَعْدِي إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ”

“He said, ‘My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom such as will not belong to anyone after me. Indeed, You are the Bestower.'”

This dua highlights Prophet Sulayman’s (AS) desire for a unique kingdom while recognizing Allah’s ultimate authority as the true giver of all blessings.

Prophet Sulayman (AS) Dua for Wisdom and Gratitude

Significance of Prophet Sulayman’s (AS) Dua

1. Gratitude for Divine Blessings

Prophet Sulayman (AS) teaches us to be grateful for Allah’s gifts and use them responsibly.

2. Asking for Righteous Leadership

His dua is a model for leaders who seek justice and fairness while ruling with humility.

3. Acknowledging Allah’s Mercy

The supplication reflects an understanding that all power and wisdom come solely from Allah.

Lessons from Prophet Sulayman’s (AS) Supplication

  • Gratitude: Always recognize and thank Allah for His blessings.

  • Wise Leadership: Lead with justice, fairness, and humility.

  • Rely on Allah: Seek Allah’s guidance in making wise decisions.


The dua of Prophet Suyman (AS) teaches us the value of gratitude, righteous leadership, and humility in power.

His wisdom and reliance on Allah’s mercy are timeless lessons for those seeking success hile staying true to their faith.

For more powerful prophetic duas, visit Alif Quran Academy.

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